Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hi my 17 week old daughter has her 2 bottom teeth coming through when should i start cleaning them?

They have only just cut through her gums and are pokeing up just a little bit! when and how should i clean them? and do you use tap water? thank you! also she is 17 weeks old

Hi my 17 week old daughter has her 2 bottom teeth coming through when should i start cleaning them?
Staright away - I only used water at first just to get them used to the brush in their mouths
Reply:ideally straight away, so she gets used to having the brush in her mouth.

you can get special toothpaste
Reply:im not entirely sure but i do read everywhere that you should brush them as soon as there threw because shes only 17 weeks i would use cooled boiled water using a very small amount of baby toothpaste. you should check with your health visitor though before taking anybodys advice who is not a professional.
Reply:I got a very soft brush and started as soon as my girls were awake for more than diapers and feeding... just so they were used to the sensation. I've got bad teeth, (folks never made me brush) and didn't want the same fate for my girls!
Reply:do it straight away
Reply:I bought a special "toothbrush" made from a soft "jelly". It has a curved head and bristles on both sides. I just put a tiny smear of baby toothpaste on each side, start off with a brushing motion, and then give it to my baby to chew - it cleans his teeth at the same time. He loves it, I give it to him once he has finished his meal.

Because babies don't know how to spit, you have to be careful about not letting them ingest too much toothpaste. Just use the tiniest smear of toothpaste - you don't need to use any water to rinse their teeth.

If you keep the brush in the 'fridge between uses, it's also really good while they're teething, as it eases the gums.

It came from Superdrug, I haven't seen them anywhere else. If you want, email me and I can send you a photo of it.

Reply:Ive been cleaning my daughters gums since she was like a week old I just use a warm washcloth, Ive heard that it gives them a healthy dental start. They have these neat kits that comes with a little rubber finger attachment that you put on your finger and it also comes with special "toothpaste" for babys. they are not expensive and it also soothes swollen and painful gums.
Reply:you should start straight away. and take her to dentist to get her used to him/her
Reply:get some toothpaste for milk teeth and brush right away (if bubby will let you!).
Reply:My cousin is a dentist when I asked him the same question he told me to just get a soft wash cloth dab it in some cooled boiled water and rub it over the teeth he said I could do this till she was about two if she didn't like a toothbrush (which she didn't) you can use a very small amount of baby toothpaste as well, just don't use adult toothpaste as it can actually harm your baby's teeth.


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