Thursday, April 16, 2009

What are the steps for a deep cleaning for teeth?

If you mean that the dentist recommended a deep cleaning for you (also known as Scaling %26amp; root planning), here are the steps:

1) Usually the hygenist will get you numb on one side of your mouth (either right or left side)

2) They will scale your teeth, usually below the gum line (that%26#039;s why they get you numb)

3) Usually the hygenist will recommend that you come back within two weeks to finish the other side.

What are the steps for a deep cleaning for teeth?
Reply:Deep cleaning the teeth is done when the dental hygienist cleans them for you. It feels great!
Reply:brush your teeth for 2 minutes, floss well, use mouth wash (swish it around for 30 sec or more)
Reply:i recommend the doctor should be doing that for u.
Reply:A deep cleaning involves getting under the gum tissue to get out the irritating bacteria and tarter so your gums can heal. The first step is usually the dentist or hygienist will place a topical, then they will give you an injection of lidocaine (novocaine is not used anymore) in the area to be cleaned. Once you are numb they will start cleaning below the gum line, most likely with an ultra-sonic scaler. and then use hand instruments to finish smoothing the root surface. Usually one or two sides are done, some dentist do the whole mouth, but I don%26#039;t like to do this as I don%26#039;t want my patients numb all over their mouth for fear of hurting themselves by biting their cheek or lip. After the cleaning, the hygienist will take measurements, called perio dontal probing to see how far the pocket extends. Last he/she will irrigate the area with an antibacterial solution to help kill any remaining bacteria. Deep cleaning is really not as bad as it sounds. The main discomfort comes from the injections. Once you are numb it is pretty much smooth sailing. I usually take about an hour and fifteen minutes to do two quadrants. You may be a little sore after the procedure, so I rec%26#039;d that my patients take advil or tylenol before the numbness wears off.


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